Friday, October 3, 2014

Ebola: People infected trick screening personnel with ibuprofen and lies

In recent days, four American health workers have contracted Ebola and Liberian international has brought Ebola on American soil. American is under scrutiny for not testing African visitors for Ebola, but testing for the deadly virus may be a waste of time. Currently, visitors departing from Ebola-stricken countries such as Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone are being screened for fevers, but such safeguards are not foolproof. According to Reuters, people infected with Ebola can take ibuprofen to bring down the fever and then lie on their questionnaire. "The fever-screening instruments run low and aren't that accurate," said infection control specialist Sean Kaufman, president of Behavioral-Based Improvement Solutions, a biosafety company based in Atlanta. Kaufman stated People can take ibuprofen to reduce their fever enough to pass screening. He states “Why wouldn't they? If it will get them on a plane so they can come to the United States and get effective treatment after they're exposed to Ebola, wouldn't you do that to save your life?"On Thursday, Liberian officials said the first Ebola patient to be diagnosed in the United States lied on his questionnaire at the Monrovia airport. The traveler, Thomas Eric Duncan, showed no signs of having the deadly virus, his fever scan showed a normal body temperature of 97.3 degrees Fahrenheit, U.S. health officials stated. Now, about 100 people in Dallas that had contact with Duncan is now in quarantine. The state health department has been reaching out people who were on the airplane with Duncan, urging them to get tested.

American and London airports do not screen for Ebola on connecting flights. Kaufman talks about his experience with flying into USA and London. He tells Reuters he flew from Monrovia to Casablanca to London to Atlanta. He was fever-screened in Monrovia and Casablanca, but not London's Heathrow, he said, and not when he arrived in Atlanta."At Heathrow, there were no questions about where I had come from," he said. "I offered the information to the official in Atlanta, and he said, 'Thank you. Be safe.'" According to Bloomberg Senator Rob Portman believes CDC can do more to prevent the deadly virus from infecting Americans on American soil. He stated Thursday “The time for action has come and gone and the CDC has yet to answer why they are resisting this next commonsense step that is long overdue.”Virologist Heinz Feldmann of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases studied Ebola for years and even aided in developing an experimental Ebola vaccine. Last month Feldmann told Science magazine airport screening personnel in Monrovia, “Don’t really know how to use the devices.” He said he saw screening personnel recording temperatures as low as 32 C (90 F), which is so low it “is impossible for a living person.” But in recent days procedures for taking temperatures have improved. On Wednesday, customs personnel began distributing information prepared by the CDC describing Ebola symptoms. The information also states, “You were given this card because you arrived to the United States from a country with Ebola. Call your doctor even if you do not have symptoms.”

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